New Pokemon from generation 5, for now they are unnamed in America. The one on the left will be in thw next pokemon movie, the one on the right is so far unconfirmed to be in the upcoming movie.
God of War III was do out March 1st, but now for some reason unknown to me they changed the release date to March 16th. Its not that big of a difference but come on, its been three years already.
I just started a new blog called All about Josh, check it out, it's a personal blog about my life I hope you enjoy reading it has much as I enjoy writing it. And please don't be afraid to leave a comment or two on either of my blogs I would really appreciate it :). Adios for now.
This is a bottle of laundry detergent that I (as a junior in high school) decided to hurl at my friend's neighbor's missed and hit their dog instead, lol. Ah memories.
This blog is entirely about things that interest me as well as things that I thinks the general public will get a laugh out of, I sincerly hope you enjoy browsing my blog.